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New Mixtape Release

Re:written brings you some of your favorite industry beats, remixed and rewritten with the fresh RnB alternative sound of Domanique Grant. We've combined her unique sound, writing style and concept manipulation, with a variety of your favorite Hip Hop and RnB beats ranging from those of Micheal Jackson, Nas, Drake, Neyo and many other heavy hitters. As an introduction to the highly anticipated mixape Domanique's first single Young World, is a captivating rendition of Talib Kweli's good morning, linking Hip hop to a new Rnb Alternative fusion.

Domanique Grant's interview and single release on CKLN 88.1 fm



Youtube Channel

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Domanique speaks in Newfoundland at The National Coop Federation of Housing Canada business meeting

Tomorrow Ill be flying out to Newfoundland St.Johns to speak at The Coop Federation of Housing Canada's National business meeting. Its definitely an exciting time. As someone who outside of being a performer, has always known the importance of housing, and has been working to improve the standards of housing in Toronto, I've never let age become a barrier in anything that I do. With over 164,000 people living in community housing in Toronto so many of us forget that this includes, Students, Seniors, working people and our family and friends. We assume that we can't change anything because of the current state of many of our housing complexes in the city. But imagine if everyone were to think like this. Imagine if no one were to challenge the conditions of Student Housing. Housing that shelters hundreds of thousands of students every year. As this is just one of the many examples of of all of the groups across Canada that rely on Social housing, I personally don't have the time to let age stand as a limitation for me

Ill be speaking in front of representatives from across Canada representing youth from across the country and speaking about my role as a young advocate in Canada, as The Vice President of The 3rd largest housing complex in the city. Ill also be featured in a documentary, which has captured the stories of young people from across the country who alongside many other talents are playing a large role in governance throughout Canada.

The conference will be streamed live athttp://webcasts.welcome2theshow.com/chfc2011 on May 28th at 8am Eastern Time.
Ill also be posting updates here on my website about my trip, so check back tomorrow

I'd like to remind everyone to always follow whats close to your heart, and to never let a dream become a back thought. the voice is its strongest when used with intention because life is it's fullest when lived with a purpose. Its up to you to find out what that is and to realize that your the only one that can do that for you. Trust yourself. Love yourself and find the art in advocacy!

until later

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